Year 6 Home Learning- 26.04.24
Task 1: Maths
Today's maths has been set on SATS companion. We don't have long now till the SATs, so we have set you some questions to work through. Use this time to revise anything you are unsure about. If you can't access SATS companion, email your class teacher and they can reset the password.
We have also set a TT Rockstars tournament- Mr Jones' class vs Mr Hardeman's class. There will be a reward for the top scoring class!
Task 2: Reading Comprehension
Log onto SATS companion. Work has been set for you on SPaG and a reading comprehension.
Create a SPaG revision sheet that will help you revise.
Task 3: History
Our history topic is exploring the Monarchy. For your work, you have a choice. Either create your own family tree, similar to what we created in class. Or, you can research King Henry VIII and create a fact poster about our past King.
Make sure you bring these pieces of work in with you for your teacher to see (rewards will be given out for the best ones!)
Task 4: PSHE
We have done some work on keeping safe in PSHE. Create a poster that outlines key things to remember to keep safe. You can focus on a particular scenario if you want, such as; online, at the park etc.
Task 5: Revision
Create revision aids to use in the build up and on SATs week. Perhaps create questions that people at home can quiz you on.
Have a great day,
Year 6 Staff