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Year 6

Year 6 Home Learning- 17.3.23


Task 1: Maths

Today's maths has been set on SATS companion, with a focus on shape. Remember, we have mock tests next week, so revise topics you know you need to work on. If you can't access SATS companion, email your class teacher and they can reset the password. 

We have also set a TT rockstars tournament- Mr Jones' class vs Mr Hardeman's class. There will be a reward for the top scoring class!


Task 2: Reading Comprehension

Log onto SATS companion. Work has been set for you on SPaG and a reading comprehension. 

Create a SPaG revision sheet that will help you revise. 


Task 3: History

Our enquiry question for history is 'Is it true to say Ancient Greece is responsible for modern day democracy?'. Research and answer this question in as much detail as you can. You can present it as a PowerPoint or word document or poster. 

Think about: 


  • What is democracy?
  • Why is democracy a positive thing? 
    What democracy is like in England today?
  • Do all countries have democracy? Can you think of any countries without Democracy? 
  • Did all city-states have democracy in Ancient Greece? Which was the first? 
  • Do you think it has influenced modern day democracy? 


Task 4: PE

Our topic this term is fitness... Time to test your fitness with Joe Wickes!


Task 5: Read a book of your choice. 


Have a great weekend,


Year 6 Staff

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