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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

 Hello from  The Year 4 Team - Miss Cotterill, Mrs Duggins, Miss Young and Mrs Scott. We are looking forward to a fabulous Year 4. 

General Information 



For this term P.E will be on:

  • Wednesday and Thursday for Class 4C
  • Wednesday and Thursday for Class 4H.



Each week the children will be set MyMaths and Spellings.

The children need to spend approximately 30 minutes per week.

We also kindly request that the children continue to practise their reading and their times tables each week. It would also be beneficial if the children are carrying out further research and reading based around our current topic.

Year 4 newsletter - Spring 25

Christmas hats!

4C painting their clay pots


Year 4 Multiplication Check

The DfE have introduced a multiplication  test to check Year 4 children's fluency in their multiplication times tables. It will take place in school in June as part of our Year 4 curriculum.  The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. The multiplication check is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question (guidance is attached to this message).


To practise tables:

To support this we will be encouraging the children to complete regular practice of their tables via TTRocks. A letter has been sent home with your child today detailing their user name and password as well as information of how to access TTRocks at home.
Each Friday we will be checking the class leader board with prizes awarded for most minutes played, most answers correct, fastest time and most improved player. Please encourage your child to play regularly at home as this will only support them in passing the check at the end of Year 4.

The website below is also the closest version of the June test - if children want to practise - click on the link below. Good luck!

Times tables practice 

English Resources

Year 3/4 Spelling Resources

Maths Games
