Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Hello from the Year 1 teachers: Mrs Edwards, Mrs Pardoe and Mrs Bradfield. Our classes are supported by Mr Grice, Mrs Ashwood and Mrs Nash. We are really looking forward to teaching the Year 1 children this year and can't wait to celebrate their successes and achievements with you. Please keep an eye out on our year group page for key information and to take a sneak peak at some of the fantastic learning that goes on inside and outside our classrooms. 


Key Information:

  • Please make sure your child brings their reading book and homework diary into school every day. 
  • When hearing your child read, please comment and sign their diary. 
  • Reading books will be changed every Friday once your child's book has been completed. Your child will be sent home a reading book that they will be able access. Some children may have an additional book that can be a 'shared' reading text with an adult at home. 
  • Any work at home on letter and number formations, counting forwards and backwards 0-20 would be very beneficial.
  • A spelling activity will be sent home every Friday for your child to practise. These will link to our Phonics lessons in school.



PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays for both classes this year. 


Please make sure any jewellery is removed on these days and that hair is tied up.

Year 1 newsletter - Spring 25

Santa Visit

P.E. - Year 1 Gymnastics

Art- Designing a piece of work in the style of Melissa Cody

Useful information and links:
