Year 1 Home Learning – 02.05.24
Task 1: Maths
In Maths, we have been looking at grouping and sharing. Have a go at the activity sheets and see if you can share the food for the teddy bears picnic, group the pictures correctly and complete the groups, groups, groups activity sheet. You can also show your parents your amazing counting skills; counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.
Task 2: Writing
In writing, we have been concentrating on our key text ,'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. Mr Grinling has a very busy day at the light house. We would like you to pretend that you are Mr Grinling and write a diary entry to describe what happened during your day at the lighthouse. Think about the jobs you had to do at the lighthouse, the delicious lunch Mrs Grinling made you and what happened to it because of those pesky seagulls.
Task 3: Art
Linking to our writing topic 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' we would like you to sketch your own lighthouse. We have included a sheet that shows you how to draw it step by step.
Task 4: PE
Choose from one of the two yoga adventures below.
Watch and join in with the yoga moves. – Harry Potter – Minecraft
Task 5: Read a book of your choice.
*Please note, if your child has not completed this week’s spelling homework, you may wish to complete this as one of today’s tasks.*
Have a great day,
Year 1 Staff