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Open the Door @ Straits

Throughout the year, we host sessions known as ‘Open the Door @ Straits’. These sessions will allow you the opportunity to join your child in school and learn about aspects of our curriculum and complete an activity with your child. All sessions will be from 9.00am – 10.00am.

Education at its best stems from a partnership between parents, children and staff and we are committed to working with our community to achieve the highest possible standards and academic outcomes for our pupils as well as providing a range of enriching experiences.


The Straits is an open school and we endeavour to develop and extend home-school links by providing opportunities for liaison and consultation, involvement, informal visits, sharing assemblies, workshop sessions, our school website which keep everyone in touch with school activities.


 We provide a range of opportunities for parents to take an active role in their child's education such as:

  • Joining us at Celebration assemblies
  • Parents consultation evenings
  • Joining your child in a class based activity workshop
  • Attendance at parents' information evening
  • Attendance at various whole school events - Christmas productions, Christmas Fayre, Dance Festival


Along with this, the staff are more than willing to discuss any concerns or worries you may have, please contact your child's class teacher directly to make an appointment.


If you have a concern or complaint

Should parents have a complaint, particularly with regard to the curriculum, they should contact either the class teacher directly or the Head teacher (by appointment). If a parent is unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion through this approach then a formal complaints procedure document is available on request from the School Office.


We are most anxious to discuss concerns that you may have, so that any misunderstandings or disagreements can be avoided. We prefer to take a positive approach and tackle any concerns as they happen, before they become serious. We believe that most complaints can be dealt with informally and by giving the correct information, which may have been misinterpreted.


Parents are welcome to have access to LA policy documents and details of complaint procedures, DFE circulars, National Curriculum documents etc. These are available at school during school hours or on our website. 
