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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!




Hello from Miss James, Miss Clay, Mrs Jeavons, Mrs Harper and Mrs Gill. 


We are looking forward to a brilliant year finding out about different exciting topics and having lots of fun along the way!



Our Summer Term topic is Important Places.


For this half term,  PE will be on Wednesday and Friday for 3C and Wednesday (Swimming) and Thursday for 3J. 



Each week the children will be set maths, topic and spellings. 

The children need to spend approximately 30 minutes on each subject per week.

We also kindly request that the children continue to practise their reading and their times tables each week.

The Important Places topic homework grid for this term is below.

Important Places Homework Grid (Summer Term)

Curriculum Newsletter - Summer

Wild Robot - 3D Shapes

Pneumatic Monsters

For this term's design and technology unit, we have been exploring pneumatics. The children explored different ways of using pneumatics using balloons, plastic tubing and different sized syringes. They were then set the design challenge of creating a monster toy aimed at Year 1 pupils. Brilliant designs were drawn using thumbnail sketches and exploded diagrams. On Wednesday, we had a great time making our pneumatic monsters. I'm sure you will agree that they look amazing! We then conducted some 'consumer research' by sharing our toys with Year 1. Both the Year 3 and Year 1 children conducted themselves brilliantly. A very successful unit - well done Year 3!


Pen Pal Letters to Year 2

As part of their writing unit this term, the Year 3 children have been learning about informal letters. In the hook lesson, the children were buddied up with another child from Year 2 who became their pen pal. The Year 2 children asked the Year 3 children lots of questions about what it is like in Year 3. For their end piece, they wrote letters to their pen pals from Year 2. Take a look at the photos below which show some of the Year 2 children opening their letters. Lots of fun had by all and now hopefully Year 2 feel extra prepared for Year 3. 

Science- Solar System

For the children's space topic, they have been learning about the solar system and the order of the planets. We have learnt about their distances away from the sun. In our lesson this week, the children went up to the field to explore the order and distance of the planets using string and posters. Take a look at the photos below:

Shadow Puppet Plays 


To end our topic all about light, we have been creating our very own shadow puppet plays. We used our knowledge about how to make a shadow larger or smaller and how to make it darker or lighter to improve our performances. We were very impressed with the finished results. 

Shadow Experiment- Science

Today, Year 3 have been investigating shadows. Throughout different times in the day, we have measured the length and size of our shadows and found out that our shadows constantly change and move due to the sun's position changing in the sky. A fun, science day had by all! 

Bob's Brook 

Today, Year 3 have been on an exciting trip to Bob's Brook. We spotted lots of features of a river such as meanders, waterfalls and tributaries. Here are some pictures from our walk. 

Country Day!

Today we have really enjoyed travelling around all of the continents in the world and now our passports are full of stamps. We have been to Europe and had a scavenger hunt for famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower. We then travelled to Africa and wrote some riddles all about the animals we had seen on the Safari. In Australasia we learnt how to do the Haka and then learnt a lot about Antarctica. We have learnt to Samba in South America, made Day of the Dead masks in North America and learnt how to write our names in Mandarin in Asia. We have had so much fun and were really impressed with the children's effort! 

Torches- DT

For our DT project in Spring Term, we have been learning about how torches are made. We learnt all about the different parts of a torch and why they are so useful. We were then given a design brief for a child who wanted a torch and carefully designed a torch that fitted their criteria. We then worked in teams to build the torch by building the circuit, the casing and then decorating it to fit our designs. The children worked extremely hard and were very proud of their final designs.

Gurdwara Trip

Year 3 had a fantastic morning visiting the Gurdwara. The children really enjoyed learning more about Sikhism and they impressed us with the facts they already knew. The children got to look around the Gurdwara, see the Sikh holy book and understand its importance, listen to Sikh music and had a look at what they do in the langar hall. The children were respectful and listened extremely well to the people who showed us around. 


World Book Day

We have had a fantastic World Book Day today, we have shared our favourite stories and characters and designed our own book front covers. This afternoon we have enjoyed reading with another child from a different year group in the school. Everyone's costumes looked fantastic, thank you so much for helping with this! Take a look at the photos below.

Pyramids Lesson- History

This week in History, Year 3 have enjoyed learning about how, where and why the pyramids were built. The children learnt about the different types of pyramids and then used playdough to make models of each type. They then went on to make a 3D pyramid which included facts about the pyramids. 



Today we started our new science topic all about the human body. Take a look at us creating models of our teeth using playdough.

Egyptian Day!

On Tuesday 6th February, Mr Hatch from 'A Taste of History' delivered a brilliant informative and fun Egyptian day! We looked at fascinating artefacts and found out lots about Ancient Egypt in an interactive way. A huge thank you to all parents and families who provided costumes for the children - they looked wonderful!

Police Dog Handler Visit:

On Friday 26th January, we had a special visit from the Police who came in to talk to us about the role of police dogs. They brought with them 2 of their dogs who they have worked with for a number of years. One was a German Shepherd who's job it is to catch people who have committed a crime and the other was a Cocker Spaniel who's job is to sniff out drugs, firearms and people. We even got to try on some uniform and stroke the dogs. 

Writing Hook - Mummification


For our new unit of writing, we will be learning all about explanation texts. In today's writing lesson we learnt all about the process of mummification by mummifying a doll. Have a look at some of the steps involved. 

Plant Dissection

We are really enjoying our plants science topic this half term. In yesterday's lesson, we dissected plants looking at the different parts. 

Cryptography Challenge:

To begin our Ancient Egypt topic, the children were set a challenge to solve the hieroglyphic code. They had to hunt for the hieroglyphics outside to find which letters they represent. They were then set additional challenges to write words in hieroglyphics. A very exciting way to start our new topic!


We had a very special visitor in Year 3 today!

Visit to Himley Road Methodist Church - A Christmas Journey

Today we walked to Himley Road Methodist Church to hear all about the Christmas story. We journeyed back in time to discover what it was like for Mary when she was visited by an angel, how the shepherds felt when they were surprised by an angel and why the wise men chose the gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. We also learnt about why the birth of Jesus was such a significant event. Whilst we were there we also enjoyed completing different crafts all about the Christmas story. We all had a wonderful time learning about the meaning behind Christmas time. 


Science - Conductors and Insulators 

Yesterday in Science, we investigated what materials Mr Grinling, The Lighthouse Keeper, could use to extended his circuit downstairs. The children did a fantastic job of thinking about what materials would conduct and insulate electricity. 

Christmas Biscuits 


This term in DT we have been designing our own Christmas Biscuits. Firstly, we investigated biscuits by looking at and tasting a variety of biscuits to decide what made them appealing. We then adapted a basic recipe by thinking of a number of design ideas with different flavoured doughs and with different decorations. After this we designed our final biscuits and created a budget for our design. Today we made our final designs. The pupils worked hard in the kitchen to make the dough, shape, cut out and bake their biscuits. They then decorated their biscuits using their design. The children were so sensible and made sure that their biscuits looked fantastic. I think you would agree that we have a class of star bakers!


Writing- Designing our own Mythical Creatures

Year 3 have just launched their final writing unit for this half term- Non Chronological Reports. During our first lesson, the children were 'hooked in' to the new writing genre by exploring a range of mythical creatures. The children then went on to creating their own mythical creatures, choosing its head, body, legs, feet and tail. The children were inspired by mythical creatures such as a basilisk, Medusa, a cyclops, a centaur and many more. The children thoroughly enjoyed making their own creatures and came up with some very interesting names. We think you'll agree that we have some amazing artists in Year 3. We can't wait to see what writing they produce at the end of this unit! 

Science- Making Simple Circuits

Children in Need Danceathon!

Year 3 had a fantastic time dancing in the hall for our Children in Need Danceathon. They all looked brilliant in their spotty clothing. Thank you to all the parents for support with outfits and raising money for a very special cause. Take a look at some of the dancing in action below.

Speech Macaroni

Year 3 have been learning how to punctuate direct speech ready for their wishing tales this half term. Ask your child what punctuation is needed in direct speech. They might want to practise writing a conversation at home smiley

Anti-Bullying- Odd Sock Day

Stone Age Cave Drawings

To end our Stone Age topic, the children created some whole class artwork. They had a brilliant time and produced fantastic pieces of cave art drawings.

3J Gymnastics

3J have been working so hard in Gymnastics this half term and have enjoyed creating their own 'super sequences'. In the final lesson the children had to include a hoop in their sequences. This may have involved jumping in and out, rolling, performing a balance or travelling around the hoop. They worked hard to hold their balances for 5 seconds and perform with tension and extension. Take a look at some of their amazing work below:

Science- Investigating Soil Permeability

This week in Science, the children have enjoyed learning about soil. We have discussed different types of soil and how soil is made from rocks. The children then investigated the permeability of different soils. 

Kingswood Trip- 9/10/23

On Monday, Year 3 visited Kingswood to experience life in the Stone Age. We had a brilliant day discovering new facts about the era, building dens, cooking bread over an open fire, gathering food, moving heavy rocks using logs and using Stone Age weapons. 

Stone Age Art Handprints

Take a look at some of our fantastic Stone Age handprints that we have created as part of our Cave Art topic. 

Maths - Three digit numbers 


In maths this week, we have looked at partitioning numbers, counting in hundreds and representing three digit numbers. Today, we used hundreds, tens and ones equipment to represent three digit numbers. Here are some photos of us working hard! 

Rock Detectives

Today in Science, we have been exploring a variety of natural rocks. We studied each rock sample and looked for key features. We drew the rocks and labelled them using key vocabulary. At the end of the lesson we learnt about six different rocks: chalk, slate, limestone, granite, marble and sandstone. We were then able to match each rock to its correct name. Have a look at us being rock detectives below:

Stone Age Jewellery

We have had a brilliant time so far in Year 3. This term, we are learning all about the Stone Age. We discovered that people from the Stone Age made jewellery out of teeth. Using clay, we created our own teeth necklaces.

English Resources:

Maths Resources:
