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Welcome to Foundation

Meet the Foundation team

 Teaching Assistants



        Miss Razzaq         Mrs O'Connor       Mrs Poyner (Mornings)                           Miss Gutteridge        Mrs Grealey

                                                                                                                                         (Thurs-Fri)           (Mon-Wed) 


    Hello from the Foundation Team. We are really excited that you are starting your educational journey at Straits Primary School. We are looking forward to a busy and fun filled year ahead. We can't wait to see you learn and grow!  Please keep an eye out on our year group page for key information and to take a sneak peak at some of the fantastic learning that goes on inside and outside our classrooms. 


    During Spring we will be developing our social skills, learning to share and take turns. We will continue to practise our listening skills to enable us to follow instructions correctly.


    Our topics this term will be:

    • 'People Who Help Us'. We be visited by different people who work in our community and learn how they help us.
    • 'Space'. We will learn about the solar system and listen to some fantastic space stories.


    We will also be celebrating Chinese New Year and learn how this is celebrated.





    If you have any questions please feel free to speak to a member of staff or you can email us at


    Key information

    • PE days are on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed.
    • Bring a coat to school every day… no matter what the weather may be as we continually access the outdoor area.
    • Make sure all of your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name, especially water bottles.
    • Fruit can be donated on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s (thank you for your generosity)
    • Your child’s reading book and diary should be brought to school every day in their blue book bag.
    • Homework books (purple book) should be put in the box outside the foundation entrance every Thursday morning.
    • Homework and reading books are changed on a Friday.
    • Please hear your child read 4 times a week.

    Reception Newsletter - Spring 25

    Wriggly Nativity

    Children In Need - Gladiator Style!

    Remembrance Day

    Celebrating Diwali

    Fun in the Outdoor Area
