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Welcome to Foundation

Meet the Foundation team


 Mrs O'Connor                    Miss Razzaq                        Miss Gutteridge      Mrs Grealey


    Hello from the Foundation Team. We are really excited that you are starting your educational journey at Straits Primary School. We are looking forward to a busy and fun filled year ahead. We can't wait to see you learn and grow!  Please keep an eye out on our year group page for key information and to take a sneak peak at some of the fantastic learning that goes on inside and outside our classrooms. 


    During summer term our topic will be:


    'Our Wonderful world'

    During this topic we explore the natural world around us and learn about how things grow. We hunt for minibeasts, observe eggs hatching and caterpillars turning to butterflies. We also learn about how seeds and what plants need to grow. We then go down to the farm and look at farm machinery and all the animals that live there. Lastly we explore the seasons and the effects their changes have on our environment.  'Our Wonderful world'. During this topic we explore the natural world around us and learn about how things grow. We hunt for minibeasts, observe eggs hatching and caterpillars turning to butterflies. We also learn about how seeds and what plants need to grow. We then go down to the farm and look at farm machinery and all the animals that live there. Lastly we explore the seasons and the effects their changes have on our environment. 





    If you have any questions please feel free to speak to a member of staff or you can email us at


    Key information

    • PE days are on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed.
    • Bring a coat to school every day… no matter what the weather may be as we continually access the outdoor area.
    • Make sure all of your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name, especially water bottles.
    • Fruit can be donated on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s (thank you for your generosity)
    • Your child’s reading book and diary should be brought to school every day in their blue book bag.
    • Homework books (purple book) should be put in the box outside the foundation entrance every Thursday morning.
    • Homework and reading books are changed on a Friday.
    • Please hear your child read 4 times a week.

    Curriculum Newsletter - Summer

    Caterpillars to Butterflies

    Welcome to our new ducklings!

    Comic Relief - 'Red Nose Day' 15/3/24

    St. Patrick's Day Celebrations

    World Book Day - 7/3/24

    Chinese New Year Celebrations!

    Our walk to the post box to post our thank you cards.

    Today the Firefighters came with their fire engine.

    Our 'People who Help Us' topic continued with a visit from the postal workers.

    We were so excited when the police dog handlers came to visit!

    The Road Safety Team came to teach the children how to cross the road safely.

    As part of our People Who Help Us topic, a local paramedic came to school to tell us all about how he helps people.

    Today we had a special visitor in school

    We danced for Children In Need today - 17/11/23

    Reception celebrate Diwali - The Festival of Light - 13/11/23

    At 11o'clock we took part in a 2 minute silence to remember the fallen soldiers.

    Didn't we look great! Dress to Impress day

    Crazy Chris came to Straits! The children enjoyed the puppet show of Jack .and the Beanstalk
