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Year 2


Hello from the Year 2 teachers: Mrs Phillips, Mrs Allen and Miss Pearson. Our classes are supported by Miss Rowe and Miss Southall. We are really looking forward to teaching the Year 2 children this year and can't wait to celebrate some of their successes and achievements with you. Please keep an eye out on our year group page for key information and to take a sneak peak at some of the fantastic learning that goes on inside and outside our classrooms. 

Key Information:

  • Please make sure your child brings their reading book and homework diary into school every day. 
  • Homework is usually handed out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Friday. 
  • New spellings will be stuck into your child's blue home spelling book every 4 weeks. Please make sure this is kept in their blue book back at all times. They may wish to practise their words in this book.
  • The children will be tested on their spellings every Friday. 
  • When hearing your child read, please comment and sign their diary. 
  • Reading books will be changed every Monday. 
  • Any work at home on learning 2, 5 and 10 times tables would be very beneficial. 



  • 2AP PE lessons will take place on Mondays and Fridays during the Summer term. 
  • 2P PE lessons will take place on Mondays and Thursdays during the Summer term.

Please make sure any jewellery is removed on these days and that hair is tied up. 


Please keep visiting our page to see some of our wonderful learning. You may find some of the documents and links below useful. 

Curriculum Newsletter - Summer

A visit to Dudley Zoo

On Thursday 11th July, Year Two visited Dudley Zoo! We had a fabulous time learning more about the African Savannah and enjoyed feeding the meerkats. They explored Dudley Castle and loved seeing all the animals!

Take a look at some of our pictures below:

Dance Festival Rehearsal

We had great fun at our Dance Festival Rehearsal and have been practising hard - we can't wait to show you!

Take a look at how fabulous we all look!

African Salads

We have loved our latest DT topic, learning about and designing our own African Cous Cous Salads. We had a great time making them and thought they smelled amazing! Hopefully they taste just as good.

Take a look at us in action!

Nationwide came to visit!

On Friday 28th June, Nationwide came to visit us. We learnt lots about how to save and spend money wisely - we had a fab time designing our own bedrooms out of our budget!

An exciting start to our new writing unit!

A mystery bag turned up in our classrooms today which held lots of clues to our new WAGOLL story. 

It held:

  • a fire engine
  • a black rock
  • a speedboat
  • a snail
  • a whale

Did you guess it? Our new writing topic is based on Journey tales, specifically The Snail and the Whale. The children are very excited to get started!

Special Visitor

As an exciting start to our new writing unit based on African folk tales, we had a visit from Priscilla the tortoise. We enjoyed having the opportunity to handle her and stroke her shell. We then watched a Tinga Tinga Tale which explored how the tortoise got its patterned shell.

Riddle hunt

Today we started our new English topic with an exciting riddle hunt! We had great fun trying to work out all the answers - have a look at our pictures below!

Comic Relief

We had a great time exploring the Key Stage 2 stalls - we think they did a fantastic job! We really enjoyed playing some of their games and buying the items (especially the cakes!). It's a good job we've been practicing our money skills! Take a look at some of the fun we had:

DT - Puppet project

In our recent DT topic, we have been learning how to sew! We investigated a variety of puppets before designing our own and then making it. We really enjoyed this topic and can't wait to bring them home to show you! Take a look at our hard work:

World Book Day

The children have had so much fun celebrating World Book Day today! They all looked absolutely fantastic in their costumes. We children have enjoyed listening to stories, looking at books, designing our own front cover and completing shared reading activities with Year 5! Take a look at some of the photos below: 


We've been working extra hard in maths recently - adding and subtracting money is tricky but we are getting there! Take a look at some of the work we've been doing.


In science we have been identifying plants and animals in our local environment. We were excellent detectives, hunting and searching for different plants and animals in our school grounds!


In art this half term, our focus artist is Paul Klee. The children have been busy creating some fantastic artwork in the style of his paintings. They have taken a line for a walk and have used the Goldfish and Castle and Sun as a basis for their artwork.

Oh, how we have changed!

This term in PSHE, we are going to be learning about growing up and how we have changed since we were babies. To start off our topic we really enjoyed guessing which baby photo belonged to who - even our teachers! After our hunt, we revealed the answers and loved looking at how each person had grown and changed over the years. Take a look at our hunt, see if you can spot who's who!

The day a Knight came to Year 2

On Wednesday 31st January Year 2 had a very exciting visit from Sir Robert the Hood who came to teach them all about Knights and Castles. The children had a fantastic day learning about what Saxon and Norman soldiers would wear in battle, taking part in a jousting competition, building a castle and exploring how to attack a castle using a trebuchet. The children learnt lots and looked amazing in their costumes! Take a look at the wonderful photos below:

Measuring in litres

Today, in maths, we put our detective hats on to see whether containers held less than, more than, or exactly one litre. We had a great time investigating (even if it was a bit breezy!) and had some fab discussions about being accurate with our measurements. Take a look: 

Police dog visit 

On Friday 26th January, we had an exciting visit from two police dog handlers, Sergeant Foster and PC Foster, who bought along some of the dogs that they work alongside. We met Glen, the German Shepherd, and Addison, the Spaniel, who are amazing at helping the police with their job. We found out about their superior senses, with them being able to hear and smell much better than us! Then, Addison got to show off her outstanding seeking skills. We also got to handle and try on some police equipment - take a look at some of our photos!

Music - Glockenspiels

This term we are learning how to play the glockenspiel! We are really enjoying ourselves so far - our rendition of Hot Cross Buns sounded amazing!

The Endless Quest

Today we have launched our new topic The Endless Quest. The children enjoyed re-enacting the events of The Battle of Hastings and how finding out how William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. The children are looking forward to learning more about this and why castles were brought to England. 

The day Santa came to see Year 2

Santa came to the Straits! He told us stories about his reindeer, we sang songs and he even gave us all a little present! We were all very excited.

Christmas fun!

Take a little look at just some of the fun we have had at school this Christmas.

Christmas Calendars - Hedgehogs

We had great fun making our calendars this year - look how cute they look!

Our Christmas Production

Fire! Fire!

This term in DT, we have looked at vehicles and how they move using wheels, axles and chassis. We linked this to our Fire and Ice topic by looking at how Fire Engines have changed since the ones used in the Great Fire of London in 1666. We had lots of fun exploring how vehicles work and how they have changed. On Monday 11th December, we finished off this topic by designing and making our very own fire engines - we even got out the saws and hammers! We had to be very sensible but we all did a great job! Take a look at some of our pictures below:


Children In Need - Danceathon

We had lots of fun showing off our best dance moves during our danceathon to raise money for Children In Need.

There's a dragon outside my window!

In art, we used the techniques we have learnt from our work on Jeannie Baker to create a collage linked to our Fire and Ice topic. First, we worked on creating collages of what was outside our classroom window - the playground! Then, we used our imagination to create collages of a dragon outside our window! Take a look at some of our lovely work: 

Dress to impress

We had a great time dressing to impress on Friday!

History - Great Fire of London

We had lots of fun learning about all the different events in the Great Fire of London! We read extracts from Samuel Pepys' diary, watched videos and then worked together to sequence the events in the correct order! Did you know the fire burned for four days?

Nature collages

In art, we worked hard to collect natural materials from our playground - we found lots of twigs, and who knew there was so many different types of leaves? Then we used them to create a collage in the style of Jeannie Baker. We really enjoyed ourselves!

Selly Manor trip

Take a look at some of the highlights from our trip to Selly Manor. We made exciting discoveries about life in the 1600s and acted as history detectives as we toured a 500 year old house! We all made a fantastic start to our new history topic as we took part in a role play of the Great Fire of London. We can't wait to continue our learning back at school!

We helped our fire marshal to put out the fire

Still image for this video

We even took part in the coronation of King Charles II!

Still image for this video

Shape - Making 2D shapes

This week in our maths lessons, we have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. Take a look at the regular and irregular 2D shapes we have been making together!

Place Value-Partitioning

Take a look at our wonderful place value skills. This week in Maths we have been using part whole diagrams to help us to partition two digit numbers into tens and ones.

Following Instructions

As part of our work in English, we have started exploring Instruction texts. Today we followed a set of instructions to make a scaly dragon head using printing. We discussed what features made the text easy to follow. Take a look at us in action. We were all very pleased with our final product!

Stunning Start to Fire and Ice Topic


On Thursday 8th September we made an exciting discovery when we found two unusual eggs in the trees next to our playground. Fortunately, the mystery was solved when we received a letter later in the day from the dragon curator explaining that he has left us some dragon eggs to look after. We are all very excited to be finding out all about dragons over the coming few weeks.

Year 2 English Resources

Year 2 Maths Resources
