The role of homework
Through the setting of homework, we aim to:
- Support children's learning - consolidating and reinforcing skills and understanding.
- Develop children's confidence and self-discipline so that they learn to study independently, thus preparing them for their secondary schooling and for lifelong learning.
We consider homework to be any work or activities completed outside lesson time, either by children working independently or with the support of parents and carers. Homework is intended to be supportive of the curriculum but we recognise the need to provide a balance between homework and the value of quality family time so will set activities which should take roughly one hour per week. The basis of these activities will be fluency-based tasks that practise skills from school or reading that is pitched at the level the children is displaying at school.
Our homework provision is designed to:
- Ensure consistency of approach throughout the school.
- Encourage skills and attitudes which help children improve their educational outcomes.
- Ensure parents/carers have a clear understanding about expectations for themselves and their child/children.
The school will:
- Ensure consistency of approach throughout the school by setting out a homework plan for each year group.
- Set tasks which consolidate and reinforce skills and are relevant to the child’s level of understanding.
- Provide platforms (My Maths, SATs Companion, TTRocks, Numbots) which are accessible and user friendly.
- Encourage all pupils to complete their homework and celebrate those who actively engage in completing tasks (half-termly certificates).
Pupils are expected to:
- Tackle homework tasks with a positive attitude.
- Co-operate with their parent/carer so that necessary homework tasks are completed on time.
How parents/carers can help to support children:
- Provide somewhere peaceful for children to work without the distractions of television, other family members and pets.
- Provide a suitable place, equipped with a comfortable chair, clear table space, good light.
- Provide encouragement and support to children when they require it.
- Ensure and check that tasks are completed to a suitable standard.
- Ask for help from the school if their child is struggling to access one of the online platforms.