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Year 4

Home Learning  Year 4- 2.05.24


Task 1: Maths

a) Maths Year 4 times tables check

Use one of the times table websites to practise. For example:  


b) Maths arithmetic practice

Try to answer the questions. See if you can do them all, this task can be found below as a PDF.


Task 2: English

WALT: Answer questions about a newspaper report

Read the information on the Powerpoint about the features of a newspaper report (See attachment below). 

Read the newspaper report on Roman Coin Surprise for Mrs Ship and answer the comprehension questions (see PDF file below).


Task 3: History

What were the religious beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon People?

Read the information about Anglo-Saxon religious beliefs and gods. Use the information to complete a fact-file containing information about some of the Anglo-Saxon gods - you may choose whether you wish to complete the 1 star, 2 star or 3 star activity. This website may also be useful:


⭐Complete a fact-file about 2 gods, giving the following information: name, what they are the god of and any other features. Then make up you own Anglo-Saxon god and complete a drawing and description for it.


⭐⭐ Complete a fact-file containing information on the name and meaning, appearance and other facts about 4 Anglo-Saxon gods.


⭐⭐⭐ Create an information page about Anglo-Saxon gods and religion. You must provide an introduction to the Anglo-Saxon religion, information about Anglo-Saxon gods and details about 3 gods.


You may use the task sheets provided or present your information in your own way. It would be wonderful to see some of your fact files when we return to school.


Year 4 staff
