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Year 5

Year 5 Home Learning - 02.05.24


Task 1: Maths

Miss Naylor’s group - Next week we will be moving onto adding and subtracting decimals. To recap your knowledge of decimals and place value, have a go at these rounding decimal sheets. You can check your answers once you have finished using the separate document.

Extension: We have set up a TTRS battle for today!


Miss Hadley/ Mrs Rawle's group - Complete the rounding decimals worksheet. If you sit on Red table, please complete the one star, if you sit on Blue, Green or Yellow please complete the two star. If you would like a challenge, you may wish to complete the three star activity too. After you have completed your sheet, use the answers which are included on the document to check your work.

Extension: We have set up a TTRS battle for today! 




Task 2: Spellings and SPaG

Spellings: Our spelling focus for this week is words ending in 'ance.' Please complete the worksheet below. 

Don't forget to practise your spellings too, which also follow this spelling pattern.

You will now be tested on these words on Friday 10th April. 


SPaG: Complete the Possessive Apostrophes Practice worksheet. Remember, an apostrophe is used on an owner to show possession. One owner: before the s. Two or more owners: after the s. 

E.G. The girl's coats were on the floor (one girl). The girls' coats were on the floor (multiple girls).




Task 3: Reading 

We have chosen space-themed comprehension as we know that you all enjoyed our recent Space topic in Science.

You do not need to complete both A and B, but you can if you wish! 

You can mark your work using the answer sheets provided. 


As an extra challenge, try some of the reading tasks linked below as extension activities.




Task 4: Science

Create a poster to explain pollination and why it is important. Use reliable sources to gather your information. You might want to start by reading the information on BBC Bitesize (
Extension Task: Take a walk around your local area. What plants and animals can you find? How do they change as the year progresses?




Task 5: PE

This half term, we are practising and improving our tennis skills. 

Using the YouTube clip below, have a go at these 5 drills to improve your stamina, agility and speed in tennis. 

You may need to adapt them depending on whether you are in your local park, your back garden or your living room! You can also adapt the equipment shown e.g. use balls or balled up socks instead of cones, use any kind of bat or racket you have at home, or use books to hop over. Be creative to get active! 



Task 6: ERIC

Read a book of your choice. 



Have a lovely day,

Year 5 Staff 


5 Tennis Drills
